Hey everyone, seeing as it's been almost 3 months since i've updated this blog, I thought i'd post the preliminary entry i'd drafted yesterday and put on my own personal blog: here it is and tell me what you think of it (most of what's covered are things that the executive told me and didn't say anything about that info. being confidential). So, here it is...
'An all so important Update: we're halfway to being a federally Registered Federal Political Party and more..meant for the O.NL First P.B.
Note: The following post you're about to read is NOT the final copy of how it will appear and will still be subject to a certain degree of editing, with input from viewers and the Party Executive, of course....)
Hey guys, sorry I hadn't updated the blog in almost 3 months: I was pretty busy with not only doing 2 courses at MUN over the summer, but I also had a MUCEP Job, a Facebook and Hi5 groups, both called 'The NL First Party Supporters Site' to maintain, in addition to executive meetings, a social life,etc...
Anyways, to view that Facebook group, you can view this link: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2230406030 (That is, provided you have a Facebook account, through which you can view the group.... of course, the group had some technical difficulties as of 3:11p.m, but oh well).
Just as an update, we've had about 3-4 Executive meetings over the summer: covering everything from progress of Federal Registration, organizing a Walk-a-thon to take place to raise funds for the party (something that was supposed to be ready for August, but got lost in the midst of other items and such), getting committees in place within the party to study various issues and other items (I can't say much else, due to executive confidentiality. But hey, at the next meeting, i'll make an effort to ask what I can reveal on this blog).
And just for the sake of clarity, the Executive of the NL First Party has passed a motion, along the lines of 'The NL First Party will not be running candidates in the October 2007 Provincial Election. However, we will maintain administrative and policy functions of the provincial wing of the party.' Essentially, this is because going Federal was the 'raison d'etre' of this Party's existence. (For those who don't know french, raison d'etre means 'reason in being/ reason to be')
But other than that, we've now added another new member to the executive, with 2 more soon to be included. In addition, the NL First Party has got approximately 125-155 forms ratified from Elections Canada, out of the 400 we sent to get the party ratified: we'll be needing to ratify at least 250 in total to get register. Luckily, we don't have to start over from scratch: we can just keep sending them until we reach the 250 mark!!
On another note, the next meeting coming up on Thursday will be a key one: we'll be dealing with the issue of the Organization of the NL First Party. (Essentially, what committees, sub-committees,etc... does the Party need in order to function, make policy, do research,etc...) Given how close we are to becoming a Federally Registered Party, now's the time to take a moment to visit http://www.nlfirst.ca to print off a Registration form, follow the directions in filling it out and mail it to the NL First Party HQ. (preferably with a note attached saying that you decided to do so because you seen this post on the Party's blog).
Last, we're currently in the process of updating the party's official website (with a blurb on the main site to say just that), in addition to trying to find a way to change our logo as to include the uniqueness of Labradorians and Rural NL more within the Logo. So ya, myself, a new member of the executive and a few of his friends have been tasked with drafting some new logo designs, with us going to make a decision on which one to choose shortly.
In conclusion, I know that this was a long post, but given the fact that it's been almost 3 months since i've updated this, this is only the tip of the iceberg of what's going on in the party: the rest of the happenings are governed by executive confidentiality, and can therefore only be disclosed with their permission.
Indeed, as is written under the official party logo on most of our executive agenda sheets, 'it's time!'
P.S. Until I can know for certain whether my colleagues agree with its contents, consider this post a draft version of the more polished one soon to be coming to this website blog).'
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
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