Monday, February 19, 2007

More Recent Discussion Topics I authored from the Facebook Group:the "NL First Supporters Site"

Here's the thread I posted in the facebook group on February 13th/2007:

Title:What can and/or will you do to help out the party?

'So ya, now that this group is starting to take off, i'd like to ask, what would everyone like to do to help out the party: become a membership? tell your friends about it? Help sign the petition to get the party federally registered? Willing to become an officer/moderator for this group?

If you're interested in helping out the party,post a response in this thread and i'll see what can be done!

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Here's another post I made on the Facebook Group of the same name on February 14th/2007:

'Hi everyone, while I was reading the local NL paper "The Telegram", I found an editorial on A6,A7 or A8 titled "a page from Quebec's Books" which was written by a fellow from St.John's about how Newfoundland and Labrador is being pushed and shoved around by the rest of Canada. (To see the article, google

He also talks about how two years ago, he saw the NL First Party as a way of changing this. However, he seems to think the NL First Party is dead, but it's not. This forum and the NLF blog I plan to start is living proof it's still alive!
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(my later reply to this same thread the next day)

Not to mention, my friend James U. is doing some exploratory work into establishing a youth wing here at MUN for the NL First Party.

In addition, i'll probably be starting my "NL First Blog" over mid-term break and such just as soon as I let Ellsworth Penney and James U. know about it

So ya, this party is alive and well: just due to the fact that the executive of the party are doing their work for the party on a volunteer basis, they need to work jobs as well. As you'd expect, this means they have more commitments than say, any Leader of the Opposition has ( I mean, how many do you hear of who are working a 2nd job at the same time as being a Leader of the Opp. or party leader: although Danny Williams is probably the exception seeing as he still owns a company or two... I think!

But anyway, we're trying to get people to join the NL First Party and to help the Party get Federally registered, and maybe if we're lucky, we'll be registered in time to get federal NL MP Candidates for the Next Federal Election!

Any Questions or comments you'd like to make?'

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Here's an excerpt from the Facebook group about a Meeting I had with James at what was originally supposed to be 1pm (that Later become 5:15p.m):

Title:My upcoming meeting with James at 1pm Today

'Remember how i've been saying that this group is for those who want to put NL First and to learn about the NL First Party and to support it?

Well, James will be giving me some NL First Party Memberships Forums (as well as Elections Canada forms to confirm your a Member of the NL First Party and to ratify that you want the party to become Federally Registered). So ya, if anyone studying at MUN (or elsewhere) is interested in becoming a member of the party, let me know and I can arrange to give you the forums in person (or to direct you to where on the nlfirst website to go to print them off yourself as well as where to mail them).

Last, the first 400 members of the NL First Party can join free of charge (because we'll be waiving the normal fee) in an attempt to help make the party more accesible to those interested regardless of income level and such!

So ya, Questions and comments? And ya, i'll be updating this site with more about our meeting!'
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(my later update that same day as to how the meeting actually went)

Anyways, the meeting actually went ahead at 5:15 p.m. So, here's a list of things we discussed:

1. The Forms for Application to Register the Party (The NL First Party) NOT Membership forms

What does this mean, you ask? It means that someone can fill out a form to register the NL First Party Federally WITHOUT being a Member of the NL First Party (getting people officially registered and on file as members will happen once the party is Federally Registered!)

2(a) However, [James does want me to] keep a contact list of those who want to become members [of the NL First Party when we start officially registering interested people as official members of the party]. This is because the party will need [this list] because once we have at least 200 forms filled out to have the party federally registered, Elections Canada will be mailing a package to each individual to ratify that they actually filled out these forms and to ratify this: once at least 200 people have ratified these forms, the party will be federally registered! () Membership [cards] won't be distributed until after the party is [Federally] Registered.

(b) [I'll also be] keeping a list of those who wish to become members [of the NL First Party]: so, if your interested, let me know as a reply in this thread or PM me!

3. We can't Rush [getting federally registered] just to try to be ready for a possible Federal Election: we need to focus on gettingregistered among other things, next comes membership (then [we can start thinking about other things such as having conventions to adopt official party policies,etc..)

4. The NL First Blog
> James or Ellsworth will tell me what they want for me to put up on it [as this'll serve as the Official Party blog due to technical difficulties with getting the Official Party's website updated].

So ya, any questions or comments?

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