Sunday, October 7, 2007

We've now got 236 people who successfully got their forms for the Federal Registration of the NLFP ratified: we still need at least 15 more!

Hey everyone, here's a copy of the message I sent out to the 103 members of "The NL First Party Supporters Site" Facebook Group:

"Hello everyone, Wayne Bennett( Director of Communications within the NLFP) has confirmed that 236 forms has been successfully ratified by Elections Canada: we need at least 14 more to go! So ya, do take the time to print off at least 1 Elections Canada form each, find someone who'd be willing to help the Newfoundland and Labrador First Party become a Federally Registered Party and do so.

Remember guys, the Federal Gov't will be presenting its Throne Speech October 16th 2007: a Fall Federal Election could follow it, seeing Canada is experiencing its second consecutive Minority Government. If the Opposition Parties vote down the Budget, that will result in a 'vote of non-confidence', thereby bringing down the Federal Gov't and triggering a Federal Election.

Once again, this is why it's important that you take the time "to do your bit" for the NLFP. But once again, if anything i've stated here isn't quite clear and/or you need more information about how you could help the NLFP not only become a Federally Registered Party, but also to thrive, expand and grow, just let me know!

Jordan Lester
- Director of Youth Organizations within the Newfoundland and Labrador First Party (NLFP) and Student Rep. on the Executive Council."

This is absolutely vital because in order to run in the Next Federal Election, we must not only meet (or surpass) the 250 member limit for Federal Registration, but we must also have at least one candidate named within 30 days of the writ to an election being dropped. And once again, it's crucial at this time that we give this issue one last "heave-ho" over the 250 member limit, seeing as we can only do so much as a party without Federal Registration.

Once again, I strongly urge you to visit http:/// and either print a form off the "Contact" section of the NLFP website or visit "The NL First Party Supporters Site" Facebook group and print at least one Elections Canada form that way, fill it all out and mail to the NLFP HQ (see the "Contact" section of the NLFP website for details!)

In closing, like the NL Premier said, "we're at a turning point in our history when we have an opportunity to make the long-awaited transition from being a have-not to a have province. We must decide who can lead this province through such exciting times..." Even though he was referring to the 2007 NL Provincial Election Campaign, leading the province of NL and NLers isn't just limited to who leads the Provincial Government: it's also about who represents us in Ottawa.

Under the Danny Williams Administration, an NL Embassy in Ottawa was established, with the purpose of helping to do the 'behind-the-scenes diplomacy' work, which contributed greatly to the successful 2005 Atlantic Accord II deal NL Premier Danny Williams signed with then-Prime Minister Paul Martin. And I now conclude by repeating the mantra of the NLFP, "It's Time".


Table Mountains said...

your voice is been heard.jordan lester the director of youth organizations is coming across good on the airwaves lately.

NL-ExPatriate said...

Yes I concur. It does my heart good to have such a vibrant and engaged youth movement in the province.

JWLchristian said...

Indeed, I do apologize for not adding a new entry to the blog: i've been busy with MUN and all. Indeed, i'll try to get a new entry up.

Also, it looks like the Federal Liberals will abstain from the Throne Speech, unless their amendment passes.

JWLchristian said...

Also, expect an update entry soon... I was busy with mid-terms at MUN before. Hopefully, i'll be able to put one up soon!

JWLchristian said...

As promised (although lated than I originally hoped), the press release announcing the Newfoundland and Labrador's First Party position as having eligiblity for Official Party Status is now up on the blog.

In addition, I now have an entry expanding more on the direction I envision the MUN Youth Wing Association of the Newfoundland and Labrador First Party going. Basically, i'm hoping the have the entire thing up and running in totality (Constitution, Youth Executive,etc...) by September 2008.

I really hope to use this Winter 2008 Semester of MUN to get the 20-25 signatures needed, find reliable people to fill the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, President, Vice-president,etc....

Other than that, you can expect to see another update soon!