Monday, September 15, 2008

A Party to stand up for Newfoundland and Labrador's interests in Ottawa: two candidates announced so far

I apologize for not updating the group sooner, as to confirm as of early July 2008, the Newfoundland and Labrador First Party became a political party eligible for Official Party Status. As of last night, Wayne Bennett (the NL First Party Candidate for Humber-St.Barbe-Baie Verte and Director of Communications within the party) that not only did Elections Canada notify him that we now have Official Party Status, but that Greg Byrne will be the NL First Party candidate for St.John's South-Mount Pearl.

So now with this news, both have launched Facebook Groups for their campaigns...

1. " Supporters of Wayne Bennett - Humber-St.Barbe-Baie Verte"


2. " Supporters of NL-FIRST candidate; Greg Byrne for St John's South-Mount Pearl"


In two out of seven Federal Districts (and maybe more, depending on how many people can meet the September 22nd 2008 Elections Canada Deadline), voters will have an opportunity to choose between the old-line national parties and a nationalist party that will put defending Newfoundland and Labrador's interests in Ottawa our first priority. As Wayne Bennett described, "Our party is a coalition of Conservatives, Liberals, Socialists, and Greens who are committed to putting Newfoundland and Labrador First, and Canada Second".

If you're interested in volunteering for either campaign, want to run as a candidate, or would like to help produce lawn and/or window signs, you can contact Wayne Bennett (who is also our Director of Communications) at . Or if you live closer to the MUN (Memorial University of Newfoundland) campus in St.John's, would like to help Greg get the 100 signatures he needs to get Elections Canada approval for his candidacy, organize a Town Hall-style Q and A (Questions and Answers) section or help out organizing a NL First Party- Youth Wing Association event/s to support the two existing candidates, I can be reached at

There will be more information to come, as finishing touches need to be made on other news releases, and transferring copies of the Party's Election Platform!

Last night, I spent close to 5 hours talking to him on the phone about the issues that i've found most people in the district have a strong opinion and/or concern on:

-The Economy

-The Environment ( some sort of Green Mortgage/retrofits program, in addition to supporting reneweables such as Hydrogen, Electric,etc...) is much needed. The need to link programs for Energy Efficiency (which will help reduce Home Heating costs, an Economic Issue) with the need to reduce GHG Emission (an environmental issue)

-Housing and Affordable Housing (the existing funding will expire in March of 2009: without this funding getting renewed, Affordable Housing in this province could be in trouble.... as to date, the Harper Conservatives have made no commitment to renewing this much needing funding)

-Education (most of the west end of St.John's South-Mount pearl is residential, middle-class, with a minority being lower income or upper-middle income. Mount pearl is a mixed zoning area, combining new housing developing (Mount Carson Avenue is expected to provide up to 100-200 new houses, Pearlview has and is being expanded by 100 or so houses). Yet, the district also has Donovan's Industrial Park, and Kenmount Industrial Park is under construction.

-Infrastructure (with all the news coverage on 2 CBS schools being closed due to mould, some people within the district might be wondering if a school in their district is next. The Provincial Government has committed to developing a West End High School in the next 4-5 years, being the key local issue in the 2007 Provincial Election Campaign. With water manes on the West End Breaking, flooding 7 houses on Lester Street and causing half of Blackmarsh Rd. Mount pearl bound to be closed for 6-7 days, I believe people want an MP who will impress upon the Federal Government the need for more funding for infrastructure)

-Public Transit: a Metrobus Mount Pearl route that would've connected Kelsey Drive to Pearlview (a quasi-suburban subdivision within Mount Pearl) and to Mount Pearl Square was scrapped, because Mount Pearl City Council says it lacks the funding to pay for it. But with rising gas prices, growing concern over the environment, and the growing number of service-sector jobs in the area, getting the Federal Government to funding such a route is essential. Plans are underway by the City of St.John's to re-locate the Metrobus Depot from Kings Road to Kelsey Drive, making the shift to Hybrid Buses).



JWLchristian said...

This is the press release found at


Newfoundland Labrador First Party has received official confirmation on registration with Elections Canada

Mr. Thomas V. Hickey
Newfoundland and Labrador
Fisrt Party
PO Box 21423
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
A1A 5G6

Dear Mr. Hickey:

I wish to inform you that the Newfoundland and Labrador First Party had at least one candidate whose nomination was confirmed for the October 14, 2008 general election. Pursuant to subsection 370(1) of the Canada Elections Act, your party became a registered political party on September 13, 2008. The registration of your party has been recorded in the Registry of Political Parties [copy attached].

Your party now has all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of a registered party under the Canada Elections Act. By copy of this letter, we are advising Canada Revenue Agency and the Broadcasting Arbitrator of your party's registred status.

Pursuant to section 373 of the Act, your party must, without delay, vary its fiscal period so that it ends at the end of the calendar year, if neccessary. Please not that as a resuld of this change, if applicable, the current fiscal period may not be less than 6 months or more than 18 months. Should you have any question on the financial responsiblities of your party, I invite you to contact the Political Financing directorate at 1-800-486-6563.

Yours truly,
Marc Mayrand

JWLchristian said...

Hey everyone, I was present when "The Telegram" took a picture of the MUN branch of STAND (Students Taking Action Now on Darfur), with the photographer taking a picture of me wearing a 'STAND t-shirt'.

If you didn't already know, i'm Greg Byrne's campaign manager, with Greg Byrne's being the Newfoundland and Labrador First Party candidate (pending Elections Canada approval) for the Federal District of St.John's South-Mount Pearl!

JWLnler said...

Hey everyone, Les Coultas has been confirmed as the NL First Party candidate for St.John's East. Les is the Assistant Manager for Wal-mart within the area. A more detailed biography and information about his campaign will be forthcoming within a reasonable timeframe!

JWLnler said...

Hey everyone, Greg Byrne's interview with NTV Issues and Answers aired yesterday, and I think he did a pretty good job. Either way, more details about his 'other interview' will be coming soon.

Also, he's hoping to participate in 1 or 2 all-candidates debates, so keep your eyes peeled for more information!

JWLnler said...

Here are the comments I posted on Canada Votes 2008's 'Riding Talk' for St.John's South-Mount Pearl (Link:

"Personally, I will be voting for Greg Byrne, the Newfoundland and Labrador First Party candidate in St.John's South-Mount Pearl. The guy served in the Canadian Armed Forces from 1985 to 2003. I have seen him speak on NTV's Issues and Answers before, and he is a straight-talker, knowledgeable on Foreign Policy, is a quick study, and understands that its the political system that must change.

He also understands that it's only by sending MPs, whose allegiance is to Newfoundland and Labrador First, not Ottawa, that this province can truly have a say in Ottawa and truly be listened to!"

David Raymond Amos said...


Methinks Greg Byrne should remeber me EH?

Anonymous said...


We just linked to your blog in our new blog Avalon.