Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Update on the NL First Party

Hi everyone, after meeting with Ellsworth Penney today at a local Tim's, I've been informed that the NL First Party has made great progress in getting the party registered: since we should be in a position to get our application to become a Federally Registered party sent off in the next few weeks and now have about 400 people who've filled out forms to get the party federally registered.

In addition, the party is currently looking for candidates to run in the next federal election. If you're interested in running, please contact the NL First Party at the Contact Info to be found at http://www.nlfirst.ca under the heading of "Contact".

Indeed, the party is coming along and Mr. Hickey has been speaking on Open line on various occasions about the NLF Party: another update will be up soon on this blog (and a update for the NLF Party Official Website is underway!)


NL-ExPatriate said...

I have a question mybe you can answer for me.

How many members does a party need to elect in order to receive the same speaking opportunites in question period as other parties?

JWLnler said...

Hi nl-expatriate, I believe some needs at least 9 seats to receive the same speaking opportunities in question period as other parties (according to an Article the NL weekly "The Independent" wrote.

So ya, we'd probably need to try to get the Elections Act amended or something in order to have a full voice. Or, we might just need to win a few seats in areas like Fort Macmurray Federally, where 40%+ of the population is Expat NLers.

But ya, to give the most correct answer, i'll do some research on that!