Sunday, April 29, 2007

Updates on the NL First Party

Hello everyone, the NL First Party is progressing well, as the Federal Organizing Commitee of the NLF Party has had 1-2 meetings in the last month to get all of the 400+ forms (of the people who'd like to see the NLF Party become federally registered)typed up.

Also, the NLF Party has now completed all but two requirements of the forms and procedures to fill to become a federally registered political party: all they need to do now is get an Auditor for the party and a Concillator (a requirement for all federal political parties).

Other than that, the NLF Party should be in a position to become federally registered within the next 2 weeks or so. After that, we'll be starting to do some fundraising activities (such as Group walks and such).

Indeed, stay tuned for more developments!


geo said...

Hey Jordan,

Thanks for the invite to come over and see what you are about (from Garth's blog). Actually, I have been here before and I think what you are doing is great.

I am very pleased you haved opened the discussion on electoral reform. I'm still thinking about which way is best myself. We came close in BC, our last provincial election but the rules stated we needed 60% and we had 58+% and it was not enough. It was not explained well or often enough prior to the election either. Next time tho.

Personally, I cannot see the CPC wanting it to change from the status quo. It will be an uphill fight. Everyone must be a part of this one. It to all of our benefit. All of us who vote. We finally will have a voice.

Keep up this important work Jordan. Oh to have your energy. your dedication, your focus and your strength of character.

I'd very much like to meet you one day. I was born in NS but I moved to BC when I was 7. Maybe one day I'll have a chance to get to your neck of the woods for a visit. I've always wanted to.

Oh, one word of advice. Do not over-do at Timmie's. You need only look across the aisle to see what it has done to them. I hear Rob Anders has laid on over 100lbs! Mind you, they have to stuff Tim Bits in his mouth to keep him from talking out loud:)

All the best, Georgine, BC

JWLchristian said...

Hey everyone, i'm sure you've noticed that I know have a new post up on the blog as of Wednesday, August 8th,2007. So ya, do let me know what you think of it and critique it for me. After all, how can I know what people want to know about the party that isn't mentioned, if people don't tell me what they'd like to know about?!